"a killing field for hypotheses" (madman101) wrote,
"a killing field for hypotheses"

The Queen is Unharmed!

Giant 6-Year-Old Devastates Ant Community!

ha ha ha! - http://www.theonion.com/content/radio_news/giant_6_year_old_devastates?utm_source=onion_rss_daily

memories of childhood - i once started a major ant war in my back yard.  between the black ants and the red ants.  i put ants from one colony on the other one, and they started fighting.  "wow!  cool!  look at them chopping off legs and heads!  and yet the little heads are still shouting, "I SHALL DESTROY YOU!"

a day or two later, there was this giant corridor of ant carnage stretching about 20 feet, from one colony to the other.  it was a major historical event.  it was a terrible war.  i never wanted this to happen.

i learned from it though.  about not messing with the complex delicacy of nature - or not causing harm even though i'm bored.

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