"a killing field for hypotheses" (madman101) wrote,
"a killing field for hypotheses"

waiting for the aliens

i'm concerned that BDSM might be destroying our country

it seems like it is a huge fad after decades of control, hypocracy and cynicism fostered by republicans

it seems like most BDSM girls are hyper-straight and want to force society lock-step into rigid, simplistic gender and personality roles

while on the one hand we spout great ideals of spirituality and peace, will we also go the opposite direction and build a sado-masochistic anti-gay homosexual NAZI elite, or invite some alien culture to dominate us?



    Remember my rule of thumb: Think of electricity as an indication that something has shifted its place - even a little - in the universe, I.e., the…

  • (no subject)

    By all means, American women: Spend your time keeping good men weak, with selfish lies and wild goose chases.

  • (no subject)

    Hot day ahead! (and then COLD!)

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    Remember my rule of thumb: Think of electricity as an indication that something has shifted its place - even a little - in the universe, I.e., the…

  • (no subject)

    By all means, American women: Spend your time keeping good men weak, with selfish lies and wild goose chases.

  • (no subject)

    Hot day ahead! (and then COLD!)