"a killing field for hypotheses" (madman101) wrote,
"a killing field for hypotheses"

Yet More, "Russian intermeddling" ...

Here we go again! US lawmaker says he was told Moscow played role in Charlottesville riots

The fact is that the media is trained to hype and run with these stories so no one ever really gets to know who is behind anything. Most probably, George Soros was behind Antifa, as he was proved to be behind BLM - in the interest of a free and open society, of course! Despite agitating violence there, as they did in Portland, Antifa keeps getting special treatment from the press, etc. Because they are liberally Anti-Trump.

Moral and ethical decisions, these days, are based on politics, or "likes".

I am reminded by a song by Robyn Hitchcock where the devil shows up in his bowl of cereal. The Russians are EVERYWHERE! Eeek!
Tags: antifa, russians / blame the russians, soros - george

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