"a killing field for hypotheses" (madman101) wrote,
"a killing field for hypotheses"

The new look!

Scaly-Headed Moth Named after Trump

Jan 19 (Reuters) - A small moth with a yellowish-white coif of scales has been named after U.S. President-edit Donald Trump, in honor of the former reality TV show host and real estate magnate's signature hairdo.

The new species, dubbed Neopalpa donaldtrumpi, lives in a habitat that spans southern California and Mexico's Baja California and was named by evolutionary biologist Vazrick Nazari in an article published in the scientific journal ZooKeys.

Read more excitingly HERE
Tags: animals - insects - moths / butterflies, funny - and see humour/ my funny, presidents - trump donald trump


    Remember my rule of thumb: Think of electricity as an indication that something has shifted its place - even a little - in the universe, I.e., the…

  • (no subject)

    By all means, American women: Spend your time keeping good men weak, with selfish lies and wild goose chases.

  • (no subject)

    Hot day ahead! (and then COLD!)

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