"a killing field for hypotheses" (madman101) wrote,
"a killing field for hypotheses"

War is the ultimate denial. - Part 1

Top Documentaries: All Wars are Bankers' Wars.
"...But bankers are nothing if not dedicated to their schemes to acquire your wealth, and know full well how easy it is to corrupt a nation's leaders."
VIDEO (44 mins): http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/all-wars-are-bankers-wars/

Unbridled Capitalism
Slavery and Capitalism
Everything on Demand

goldenjackass.com: INTERVIEW WITH RICK WILES ON TRUNEWS & SIRIUS RADIO - (est. 45 mins)
September 29th: topics include the takedown of Glencore and Volkswagen, the USFed’s hidden $1 trillion of QE volume per month, the effect of new Iranian oil on keeping oil prices down, the Putin checkmate of Barack Obama in the US-led Syrian War strategy, the shortage of physical Gold & Silver in both COMEX and coin dealers, and a coming global RESET of the financial system (with unplanned extra intensity by the Jackass that cannot be explained) - https://www.trunews.com/tuesday-september-29-2015-jim-willie-pt-1/ (part 1)

The link immediately above is highly recommended. This hot-head guy is dead-on! He goes into a lot of very important ideas and observations, (some of which I have been meaning to explicate, myself, herein ASAP). Most importantly: THE DOLLAR IS BACKED BY WAR. Also: FACTOR GLOBAL CRIME INTO ECONOMIC ANALYSES!

Part two of this interview will be running tonight! -
This underscores why I feel it is important to monitor all alternate sources. (I once regularly read, "Reason," along with, "Society," and, "The Humanist," and the, "Progressive Populist," and Science mags, and the Atlantic, etc)... TruNews - (heard on SHORTWAVE and on SIRIUS) - is constantly preaching religion and dread, and is bashing gays, transsexuals and Obama. But the economic interviews are often to die for, yo. FOR MORE of this mad man's interviews, etc., (as with PAUL SANDHU), see also http://goldenjackass.com/main5.html.
Tags: +++, -posted to economic_sanity, occupy / o_c_c_u_p_y

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