"a killing field for hypotheses" (madman101) wrote,
"a killing field for hypotheses"

Spite - Part 2

Yes, inividuals are naive and vain, and not humbled by the long painful scours of history, and do not see for miles and mles, but make the same mistakes of fools, over and over again. They believe themselves "winning" when merely DESTROYING. And each is of thousands of cuts in the slow, accelerating crash of the body of empire, drawing with it the curtains of civilisation. All by the hand of one spiteful man, repeated countless times, even working against his own interests - what more the common interests of our planet?

As I have said, Nether Girl now fears me - fear of a great backlash of the sins she inflicted on me, to now fall on her. Stop short of identifying true cause and effect - true responsibility - and instead merely blame me now, where she ha hitherto assumed me blaming her. This is the world the insane inhabit. Vanity is vain for it sees the same no matter what is invested, expecting the same abstract outcome when none should come from the superstitious cacklings of insanity. Vanity. And so, guilt lies fallow after the exhaustive drought, barren and vulnerable. Guilt runs in shame of its nakedness. Guilt inherently follows from the naivity of projecting blame upon others, especially the innocent. The only way to resolve guilt is to own up to reality and repent, or else to devolve into an addiction of blame or rape with subsequent guilt. Repeat. Plunder. Plunder more. Capitalise. Monopolise. Print more money to feed the debt in the addiction.

The question was: Why do people inflict spiteful actions, when it shall only bring themselves down as well? I have a simple, cursory explanation, which may complement various others. And it is this: Abstracted egos, blind faith in false idols, abidance in the self-delusions of the state, emotional investment in promises of propaganda, identification with a handful of winners whilst one falls into a cold, enfolding mass grave of startled losers - these all feed into vanity. Spite comes from a sense of entitlement, (conflicting with the ignored reality). Like the paradoxical learning of Pavlov's dogs, become gluttons for punishment, the spiteful become addicted to propping up their false egos by putting others down. Inherently degrading social institutions or politcal groups rise up around these biases of privilege, to reinforce and protect the priviledge, and legitimise the spite, or insipid bullying behaviour. But identification with these institutions are often vain and tenuous, as it was with George Zimmerman. Free credit, thought to legitimise reckless gun usage, suddenly disappears - poof, like the housing bubble in 2006-2008.

Well, why so vainly assume privilege? Because one has paradoxically learnt to think of some of their wants THAT THEY ARE INSTEAD "NEEDS". It's very simple. It is more important to harm another for some vain pursuit, because that vain pursuit is not felt to be merely a WANT, it is seen as a need so strong that it is more important than the losses incurred to oneself. Abstractly, those losses, then, are tabulated very incorrectly. This is risk-assessment deformed and perverted into right-on, dead ahead destructiveness. Of course, spiteful actions are often passive-aggressive, from shy bully-wannabe's. But get a mob of these spiteful folks behind a uniting bully, and you suddenly have NAZIsm, once again, repeating the same crimes of history. Give the people some real puppet to which they can project their imagined privilege, and so rights and leeways, and suddenly all institutions fall into this political power.

That's about all I can manage for now. My brain is in a massive headache. You can go back a month or two to my posts about passive aggression and groupism, which are also very relevant. ("Spite" part 1 was posted yesterday or maybe today - http://madman101.livejournal.com/1177551.html). Spite! Score one more for the team! Locked like pathetic ants in each other's mandibles while all the world burns around them. An where does spite isue from the most? More on groupism and privilege later.

Games have been elevated to greater importance than reality itself. Greater than survival itself.

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