"a killing field for hypotheses" (madman101) wrote,
"a killing field for hypotheses"

Once upon a time, God was really plastered. He started drunk-dialing a bunch of other gods of other universes, but they were also drunk. Existence, as you know, is a very lonely place, even for God. So God said, "fuck this!" (and he could do that cuz he is God), "I'm going to make a likeness in my own image, whom I can dress up and play with and ..." fill in your own ridiculous reasons. So, in his drunkenness, God had his first go at creating humans, but instead he created Manatees. Manatees were a drunken attempt by God to create man. When he finally sobered up, God said, "Hey, I screwed up - but that wasn't such a bad idea. I think I'll give it another go!" So God set to actually indeed creating man. Except that he had one hell-of-a bad migraine at the time...
Tags: god / not god/ atheism/ belief/ faith

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