"a killing field for hypotheses" (madman101) wrote,
"a killing field for hypotheses"


can you say RADIATION POISONING? - http://www.earthfiles.com/index.php#PeruDolphinsPelicans043012

(i'd also consider erratic deep sea vents in the atacama trench where james cameron lives but that prolly wouldn't concern pelicans) - i'm stocking up on sardines from ecuador because i thought they'd be clean of BP and FUKISHIMA ... this is how the end begins...

ps - http://www.naturalnews.com/035731_Fukushima_radiation_America.html

[5/30/12 INSERT]: "The finding suggests that the fish may have carried the contamination across the Pacific Ocean faster than wind or water has been able to do, and months earlier than wind and water brought debris from the damaged nuclear plant across the ocean to the shores of Alaska and the Pacific Northwest, said Reuters." - (re: Tuna in CA/Mex) -
Fukushima radiation now detected in the U.S. food supply - http://www.naturalnews.com/036022_Fukushima_radiation_food_supply.html
Tags: all * nuclear, animals - birds - pelicans, animals - dolphins, animals - fish - tuna, fukushima related, nuclear/ radiation, nuclear/ radiation exposure / sickness

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